Building History Together: The Centennial Campus Kick-Off Ceremony
The site of the Centennial Campus was unusually crowded on February 27, 2008, when over 400 guests, HKU alumni, colleagues and students joined the Kick-Off Ceremony for the new campus.
'We are standing on the site of a very important project that will ensure even greater glory for HKU. I want to especially thank the various government departments, community leaders and the public for making this Centennial Campus dream possible,' said Mr Jack So, Chairman of the HKU Campus Development and Planning Committee.
Officiating guests were then invited to lay a ceremonial brick as an example of leadership in preparing a solid foundation for all HKU students. The officiating guests at the ceremony included the Hon Mrs Rita Fan, President of the Legislative Council; The Hon Michael Suen, Secretary for Education; The Hon Frederick Ma, Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development; Dr the Hon York Chow, Secretary for Food & Health; The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam, Secretary for Development, The Hon Edward Yau, Secretary for the Environment, Dr the Hon David Li, HKU Pro-Chancellor; Dr Victor Fung, Chairman of HKU Council; Mr Jack So, Chairman of the Campus Development and Planning Committee, HKU; Dr Philip Wong, Chairman of the HKU Foundation; and Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, HKU Vice-Chancellor.
Following the Kick-Off Ceremony, a special open day was held on February 28, 2008. HKU staff, students and alumni were invited to visit the construction site and to learn more about the Centennial Campus. Models and a fly-through video of the future campus were displayed at the site. Professor John Malpas, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chairman of the Project Group for Centennial Campus and Main Campus Redevelopment, attended a special session in the evening and shared with visitors the progress of the project.
Costing $2.5 billion, the development will provide a net operational floor area of 42,130 square metres, with three new buildings for the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. At this stage, the re-provisioning of the reservoirs has commenced and is expected to be completed by mid-2009, when construction of the Centennial Campus will commence.
Please visit the website for more photos of the ceremony.