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Issue No.4 - October 2008
The New Face of the Oldest University Unveiled

The Centennial Campus Roving Exhibition was launched at Pacific Place on 6 August, running through to 10 August. The exhibition marked the unveiling of the detailed design of the new campus to the general public. 

Visitors first experienced the history of HKU by walking through a specially-designed ‘time-tunnel’, which contained historical photos and videos of the University. At the end of the tunnel was a fly-through video of the future Centennial Campus. Visitors showed great interest in the display materials, such as the physical models of the new campus, exhibition panels and interactive games.

In their green gowns, HKU student demonstrators explained the project to visitors in great detail, in particular the new learning experiences provided at the Learning Commons and the Lecture Centre. In addition to state-of-the-art teaching and learning spaces, greening, heritage protection and sustainability features will be incorporated into the design of the new campus. 

“Campus development is nothing new to Hong Kong, or indeed the rest of the world. Promoting a new campus to the general public at a shopping mall, however, is unusual. This in fact demonstrates our belief in an open and respectful process of engaging our stakeholders,” said Henry Ho, Senior Manager (Community Relations) of the External Relations Office and spokesperson of the project. 

Besides Pacific Place, the exhibition was also held at the Olympian City in mid-September. If you missed these two exhibitions, you may visit one of the two locations shown below. 

Harbour City (Ocean Terminal) October 27 to 29
Hong Kong Central Library (Exhibition Gallery 3)  November 26 to 28
HKU student demonstrators explaining the project to visitors
HKU student demonstrators explaining the project to visitors

Exhibition Panels
Exhibition Panels

Interactive games
Interactive games

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